Celebrating twenty three years
in sisterhood
we are located.
We have several
excellence in sisterhood
Thank you for your interest in Beta Phi Omega Sorority, Inc. We are an organization of leaders building leaders, sisters building sisters, humanitarians building humanitarians, business owners building business owners, healers building healers, and excellence building excellence.
We are looking for women who are:
Open to learning
Open to leading
Open to growing
Open to healing
Before expressing your interest, we ask that you do your research. You would be doing yourself a disservice if you are not actively seeing what other organizations exist. Joining a sorority is a lifelong commitment and a lifelong journey. We ask that you get to know the members, see what we are doing in the community, follow our social media accounts, attend some of events, and truly trust your gut instincts.
Before filling out the online application form, ask yourself why you really want to apply for membership. What do you feel the organization can give you, and what do you feel you can offer the organization? Be honest with yourself and be absolutely sure this is something you want.
Membership Requirements:
Leaders. Women who are not afraid to step up to the plate of leadership
Organized. Women who are organized and knows what it takes to do the job well
Respectful. Women who understand what it means to have respect for our organization
Participators. Women who actively participate in the events of our organization
Must be 18 years old or older
Must be either employed or attending school
Must be a Registered Voter
Must have a Driver’s License or a Valid ID
Must be able to meet all Financial Obligations of this organization
Must be able to follow specific rules and guidelines
Must be an active member of the Beta Carnation Informational
Must have volunteered in your community and is still active in your community
Must have prominent goals
Must be content and strong-minded about your sexuality. There is no need to be embarrassed to be who you are
Must be willing to participate in events and volunteer activities that not only cater to the heterosexual arena but primarily the homosexual arena as well
Application Instructions:
1. Locate a Chapter HERE – Note if there is no chapter in your city, the Alpha Alpha Chapter application form is the one you would fill out.
2. Once you submit your application, send a follow up email to the chapter email address with an up to date professional photo and 3 references (1 business and 2 non business name and phone number).
3. Follow the chapter Facebook page and Instagram pages so that you are in the know about events happening in that area.
A few things to remember:
1. Dedication is what you make it.
2. Your journey is yours and yours only.
3. You define your excellence.
We look forward to hearing from you!
locate a chapter
Click the diamond to visit the chapter page
Alpha Alpha Chapter
Location: Various Locations
Email: alphaalphachapter2006@gmail.
Alpha Omega Chapter
Location: Tallahassee, FL
Email: aqmembershipintake@gmail.com
Beta Gamma Chapter
Location: Chicago, IL
Email: betagammachapterinfo@gmail.com
Beta Delta Chapter
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Email: betadeltachapter@gmail.com
Beta Zeta Chapter
Location: Atlanta, GA
Email: betazetachapter2000@gmail.com
Beta Iota Chapter
Location: Ft. Lauderdale/Miami, FL
Beta Kappa Chapter
Location: Washington, DC
Email: betakappa2013@gmail.com
Beta Lambda Chapter
Location: Baltimore, MD
Email: betalambdabphiq@gmail.com
Beta Mu Chapter
Location: Nashville, TN
Email: nrmcsecretary@gmail.com
Delta Alpha Chapter
Location: Various Locations
Service is what we do!
Get Active. Get Involved.
Are you interested in participating in the many service projects that we are a part of? Are you interested in making an impact in your community by volunteering and offering a helping hand? Are you searching for ways to give back to your community? We are active in our communities and would like to help! Find out how you can participate by contacting a chapter in your area. If there is no chapter in your area, contact the Alpha Alpha Chapter.